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domingo, 23 de junio de 2013



Nowadays, some people feel the necessity to read in order to being informed about what is happening in the world, looking for that information through internet, magazines, newspapers, etc. Some of them read that information properly understanding the real message  but the others don’t; It could be due to the fact that the people that misunderstand the information have not had education about reading in its own language . So because of that people tend to reject reading or they take this as a boring activity.

Meanwhile, when a person decides to study English teaching program and start the  English learning process know that reading has been considered as one of the important skill, but it hasn´t been given the appropriate and special attention it deserves; one of the main flaws regarding this skill might be that it  is generalized, I mean, it is seen as something every student must know and therefore must perform well, then when it comes to teaching a foreign language, many tasks include it without taking into account strategies, whether the purpose is to use a bottom-up or top-down strategy; so the task becomes useless, because it doesn´t have a specific focus of attention.

One more aspect worth mentioning is that most of the times the skill of every single student is not considered, and as a consequence, it is impossible to know what to expect from him/her or to determine the special instruction, and feedback the student needs. According to this, reading tasks should be meaningful, and should get a lot of practice, having a purpose and a clear strategy in mind, this way the student will start to care more about it.

As a conclusion, I firmly believe that reading should be regarded as a very significant skill, because it not only allows the student to get involved with the language, but to create schema that will help him in his development and understanding of the other skills.

2 comentarios:

  1. You are right Lorena. Speaking is so important in our process of learning.
    This skill is very important in this process because good readers can understand the individual sentences and the organizational structure of a piece of writing. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments, and detect implications. They know most of the words in the text already, but they can also determine the meaning of many of the unfamiliar words from the context - failing this, they can use their dictionary effectively to do so. In summary, good readers can extract from the writing what is important for the particular task they are employed in.

  2. I think reading is one of the of the most difficult skills to assess since sometimes it is limited to reading comphrension. Reading goes beyond and to be evaluated tasks should be designed carefully not forgetting the micro and macro skills.
