A student
portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells a story about
the student’s efforts, progress, or achievement in one or more academic
disciplines. This collection must
include student participation in the selection of portfolio content; guidelines
for the selection of that material; criteria for judging the value of the work
collected, and evidence of student self-reflection.
In my
opinion, using portfolios can be an important tool to encourage students to be
more active in their learning process, since they are able to have a record of
the important things they learn, and this makes them feel more motivated and
responsible. Moreover, it can promote student´s critical skills, as they will
have a voice and their perceptions will be reflected in the portfolio. However,
this is not that easy to carry out, even though it has a great purpose its
effect is reduced when students do not make part of the decision-making, as it
usually happens in schools where the teachers just worry about getting another
way to grade, which just makes students have a portfolio in order to please the
teacher or to get a good grade that will help in the average to pass the
An additional aspect that limits the sense of
portfolios is the fact that teacher´s subjectivity sometimes plays a role when
it comes to grading different student´s assignment, so they will vary according
to the teacher´s personality or ideas. Then it is important that teachers receive
training on how to know if students achieve the expected goals.
As well, I
think that it would be more meaningful if we could teach students that having a
portfolio is not a matter of getting grades, but improving and coming up with
other strategies; besides if we really help them see the purpose, giving them
constant feedback ( meaning that both teacher and student get involved), they
will be willing to do their portfolio just for the benefit of learning from
their own process.
I think that there are good arguments which are well supported and the concept of portafolio is quite clear, whereas I would like to add that a portafolio, besides what is stablished here, also helps students to have a clearer and more general view over the topic they are working on, but it would be true if at the end of the process the student go back and analyze what they have done; at that point the student will have a wider perception of his topic or work and therefore will discover new ideas, aspects and conceptions which had not had taken into account before or during the process.Even the student will discover new porpuses for they work, but it will be only achieved wit the correct guidance of the teacher who is going to take the student to have a self-assesment, so I think if it is reached a useful goal will be achieved.